Product: Zeso 3 in 1 Cell Phone Camera Lens Bundle
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Rating: 4/5
I have been eyeing lenses like the Zeso 3 in 1 bundle for such a long time! I was so excited when these arrived and couldn't wait to get them out and start trying them! I really love the effects that the three lenses create and can't wait to use them to take stunning pictures, especially when I travel. I will say these won't blow you away on an every day level, but the differing lenses will create some awesome effects! Three lenses come in this bundle: One fish eye lens, one Macro lens, and one wide angle lens. The Macro and Wide angle lenses come screwed together, and to use the wide angle lens, you must have it screwed onto the macro one. When I first opened my lenses, these two lenses were screwed together so tight that I could not get them apart. I even had to completely take apart the lens. I really hope this is an isolated incident, as the lenses are great. My main concern with that is that I don't know if everyone will be able to get the two lenses apart. I can also see the clip that the lenses are screwed onto not fitting over some phone cases. I have a fairly thin case and had no problem using it with mine. I really like the black zip up case that these lenses come in. You also receive a carribeaner and velvet bag. I'm honestly not sure what you would use these for, maybe to transport them not in the fairly bulky case. The case however is great. There lenses fit nicely into cushioned slots and also have caps to protect the actual lenses. The fish eye effect is really cool, and the wide angle allows you to zoom out a lot more than possible on iPhones. It honestly took me a long time to realize the Macro lens wasn't blurry…you just use this to get REALLY up close to things. This isn't for use unless you're about an inch away from something, otherwise you'll just get blurriness. Overall, I would absolutely recommend this to anyone that's big into taking pictures with cool effects. No, it's definitely not essential, but it is a pretty cool tool to have!
*Disclaimer: I received this item in exchange for an honest and fair review*
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