Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Chef O'Gadgets Stainless Steel Rolling Pin

Product: Chef O'Gadgets Stainless Steel Rolling Pin

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Rating: 5/5

I love my Chef O' Gadgets Stainless Steel Rolling Pin! I make decorated cookies, and this is one of the best rolling pins out there! I absolutely love the discs that allow me to control the thickness of my dough. The discs allow you to roll your dough to 1/16, 1/4 and 3/8 inch thickness. I always use the 3/8 inch to have thick yummy cookies! I love that this is stainless steel. It is more sanitary, and it's so much easier to clean and know that it's clean. I also like that I can freeze it to allow for easier rolling of stickier dough. It is very easy to change the discs (the green handles unscrew). For cookies, I find the length to be perfect, but I can see that it might not be wide enough for some pie doughs. The only thing I don't like about this is the lack of handles that allow for a turning of it. In order to use you have to use your own hands to roll. The green discs do not work like handles on other rolling pins. This, however, has become something I've gotten used to. I really love this rolling pin and won't be likely to switch (though I would upgrade to a newer model!) anytime soon!

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